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Als Antwort auf alphacyberranger

At my first developer job 25 years ago, any time we made a change in the code we had to add a comment at the end of each modified line with our initials and the date, because we had no version control.
Als Antwort auf CoggyMcFee

When I graduated from university in 2020, my classmates still zipped the entire project and dated it with "final", "final(2)", and "final-forrealnow". This is extra sad, because they did this in a class, where we were taught version control. Out of the 50-something people in my lab for that class, maybe like 3 people outside of me didn't express hatred for it
Als Antwort auf dinckel

That's a thing I never understood. Everyone knows this problem but until now ther isn't a single Filesystem for linux that support version control native.
