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Als Antwort auf xixix8227

What are some reasons as to why I would want to use this over, say, OSMAnd?
Als Antwort auf warm

I use both all the time. Organic Maps rendering and navigation feels snappier, even with 2.5D support, and less cluttered, but since I do contribute to OpenStreetMap, OsmAnd is unmatched for editing and access to power tools like up-to-date data, GPS tracking, PDI editions, etc.

Unfortunately, in my country the map is not as complete as the proprietary options, so, using OsmAnd is more practical for me. As a regular user, though, I'd prefer Organic Maps.

Als Antwort auf Michel

I actually have used it. It's very thorough but I find out more useful for areas where mapping is already good, while the areas I contribute to are not as well mapped. Every Door is also a great tool!
Als Antwort auf selokichtli

Streetcomplete meanwhile has an overlay for POIs also.
This Overlay is may not that detailed but after you placed a new poi the streetcomplete usual feature ask for details.