Michel friendica

Wordpress and ActivityPub

!Friendica Support
I would like to promote the Fediverse to a friend of mine. He has a WordPress and many posts.
What combination for a good work together with the Fediverse would you recommend for an easy use (by experience if possible) ?

Ways I found :

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Michel friendica
Thanks for the feedback @Signor Amministratore. I have some RSS feeds but did not look behind that case. It's interesting. May something you should copy to the Friendica Wiki

What about the three cases in my starting post. Any feedback to them? At moment, my favorite is Nr. 2.
Signor Amministratore friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Michel The option that maximizes visibility, usability and integration is undoubtedly the no. 2.

In that case, if you have a Friendica account and federate your wordpress with the plug-in developed by @Matthias Pfefferle , you can try the following actions:

1) enter the address of the author of the federated wordpress blog (in the image I used the wordpress account of @Matthias Pfefferle who is the developer of the plugin)
2) as soon as you have followed it, you can go to the profile tab and enter the "contact settings" menu
3) in the "contact settings" menu you can select the automatic reshare of his posts: every time the author publishes a new post, your friendica profile will re-share it!

Like this:
A) your blog will be "federated"
B) you will receive updates from Friendica, you will be able to re-share automatically and, above all, thanks to Friendica, you will be able to receive a notification every time someone replies to the post you have shared
C) you won't need to continuously access wordpress to monitor the situation, because you will have everything under control from Friendica.

Be careful though, because not everything always works as it should... 😅
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